Eve Dorothy Kastin

balloon icon May I introduce you to The Evection Project? This is a wiki that collects creators' stances on fanworks—both by creators, for creators and by fans, for fans. I think you'll get along great!
book icon My debut novel, Magic’s Key, is a children’s fantasy story about a girl who’s offered a wish, and makes a deal to learn magic instead. The follow-up novella, The Million-Dollar Mage, is out now!
rss icon Two Mondays each month, I post a new article about something I've learned from loving stories and trying to tell them. Additionally, subscribers to my blog, The Independent Wordsmith, are the first to know about my new projects.
balloon icon I do visual design, under the name EmpyreanLens. So far, I’m building websites, creating cover art and lyric videos, and offering photographs I’ve taken as free stock images.
playing icon I made a system-agnostic RPG map generator, Doors Into Rooms. If you like running campaigns with players who do anything but what you've planned, this makes a great secret weapon.
book icon Out now, I have a short story about an unlikely hero and a novelette about teenage friends with superpowers in the shared-world fantasy anthology RMR: The Realm-Mesh Reality, under my pen name Lucy Aster.
record icon Some of my lyrics have been performed as short songs by the AI band Udio, and are available for free on my Doll Kings artist page.
playing icon Dragons? Royal politics? Prodigious young heroes? Check, check, and check! Behold my system-agnostic table-top roleplaying supplement: Of Gold And Fire Let Them Be Forged. If you love fantasy and gaming, there’s a crown waiting for you in Tantir.
playing icon In case you’ve ever wanted to control the fate of a kingdom, I wrote an interactive story where you can do just that: The Blood Throne of Harrow.

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